Seven ePRO/eCOA Capabilities to Better Conduct Clinical Studies in Latin America

Clinical Studies in Latin America

ePRO/eCOA Capabilities to better conduct Clinical Studies ePRO/eCOA tools have revolutionized the clinical research industry. The first concept was raised a decade ago, but the idea of integrations between systems or interoperability was far from easy. In the past three years, the industry has experienced a boom of new technology development, broadening the data source […]

How to achieve a 98% eDiary reporting compliance rate in older adults with TrialPal

98% eDiary Compliance rate

Cevaxin, a research Site located in Panama, used TrialPal to achieve an outstanding eDiary reporting compliance rate in a Phase I vaccine clinical trial with older adults. While developing clinical trials, research sites usually face common challenges, such as technology adoption regarding participant reporting and timely monitoring. Understanding this and the particularities of the vaccine […]

COVID-19 studies in healthcare workers – University of Mainz 

covid-19 studies

COVID-19 studies in healthcare workers in University of Mainz Integra IT had the opportunity to participate and contribute with its tools in observational COVID-19 studies conducted by the University of Mainz on COVID-19 and its impact on healthcare workers. It was the first project of developed Integra IT in Germany. The project collected data on […]

Integra IT, part of the Fiocruz COVID-19 vaccine trial in Brazil

Fiocruz Covid trial

Integra IT software solutions has been essential for developing the Fiocruz vaccine Phase 3 trial for SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil, achieving efficiency in data collection and organization. This project collected information from 10,000 volunteers for a year, managing their data via Integra IT’s TrialPal and PFS tools.   The project was carried out in Brazil, a […]

Integra IT, COVID19 Study in Peru

Covid study Peru

Peru, a country of nearly 33 million people, was hit by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic mainly because the health system, like that of many other countries, was not prepared for a health challenge of such a magnitude.   According to official figures, there were only 100 intensive care unit beds and 300 hospital beds in the […]

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