Phase I Vaccine Trials & ePRO: Ensuring Patient Safety  

Phase I Vaccine Trials & ePRO Ensuring Patient Safety

Table of Contents When developing new vaccines, patient safety is paramount. Phase I vaccine trials determine safety and efficacy before public release. Data collection is crucial for evaluating the vaccine’s performance.   Electronic Patient Reported Outcomes (ePRO) are valuable tools in ensuring patient safety during Phase I vaccine trials. This article explores the importance of… Continue reading Phase I Vaccine Trials & ePRO: Ensuring Patient Safety  

The Power of Data in Clinical Trial Execution Decision Making 

The Power of Data in Clinical Trial Execution Decision Making

Table of Contents Despite its critical nature, decision-making in research centers often relies on traditional methods, leading to inefficiencies and errors. This blog discusses how real-time, data-driven decision-making is transforming the clinical research landscape. It highlights the crucial role of dashboards in optimizing operational efficiency, improving patient outcomes, and streamlining the clinical trial execution process.… Continue reading The Power of Data in Clinical Trial Execution Decision Making 

Why implement electronic source documents (eSource) in clinical research centers?

Why implement electronic source documents (eSource) in clinical research centers

Table of Contents Since 2010, regulatory bodies globally have expressed interest or provided written guidance on their expectations regarding the electronic source document (eSource). What is an electronic source document? eSource refers to using electronic systems and devices to capture, collect, and store data during clinical trials. This includes direct data entry by patients, healthcare… Continue reading Why implement electronic source documents (eSource) in clinical research centers?

Cancer Research in Latin America

The Future of Cancer Care in Latin America

Cancer is a leading cause of death in Latin America, with the region experiencing an alarming rise in cases. It is projected that by 2040, 9 out of 10 of the most populous nations in Latin America will see an increase of at least 64% in the number of people diagnosed with cancer annually. This… Continue reading Cancer Research in Latin America

Why Diversity in Clinical Trials Matters

Why Diversity in Clinical Trials Matters

New medical treatments haven’t reached everyone equally. Why? A lack of diversity in clinical trials. African Americans make up 13% of the US population but only 5% of clinical trial participants. Similarly, Hispanics are vastly underrepresented, comprising 15% of the population but just 1% of trial participants. (1)   This disparity has real-world consequences. Treatments… Continue reading Why Diversity in Clinical Trials Matters

4 Key Benefits of AI & Machine Learning in Clinical Trials


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) herald a new era of regulatory operations in clinical trials. These advanced technologies are revolutionizing how companies manage regulatory data, predict outcomes, and ensure compliance, ultimately leading to greater efficiency and accuracy.   From the IQVIA article published on its website on June 10, 2024, we would like… Continue reading 4 Key Benefits of AI & Machine Learning in Clinical Trials

Six Benefits of Automating the Recruiting Flow in Clinical Trials

Clinical trial participation is the core of future medical advances. But for sites, recruiting patients in clinical trials and conducting them on the journey is usually a challenging task, driving to nearly 80% of trials failing to meet on-time enrollment (1). In a digital era, technology is at the service of improved trial participation and… Continue reading Six Benefits of Automating the Recruiting Flow in Clinical Trials

How to include an ePRO in your protocol design

From the ideation of the scientific question, sponsors can consider integrating ePRO tools in protocol designs. Decentralized and hybrid clinical trials can widen the data points and make the most of each trial. Here we share five steps to introduce an ePRO into a protocol: Define the objectives an ePRO tool can address: Identify the… Continue reading How to include an ePRO in your protocol design

eConsent Software for Optimal Clinical Trials

eConsent Software for Optimal Clinical Trials

Table of Contents What is eConsent and How Does it Improve Clinical Trials? We all recognize the vital role informed consent plays in clinical trials. These trials operate under a complex set of regulations governing how consent is obtained. It is estimated that eConsent implementation in clinical trials reduce the time spent on consent-related tasks… Continue reading eConsent Software for Optimal Clinical Trials

Scheduling at Research Sites: From a Problem to an Opportunity

Daily site operations and visit scheduling are often a burden for clinical research teams, who constantly seek to engage and build long-term relationships with participants. Dealing with tight deadlines, extensive planning, and assessments are tasks that impact the point-of-care services and staff workload. A software tool like Trial360, which includes an integrated scheduling system, can… Continue reading Scheduling at Research Sites: From a Problem to an Opportunity

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