Integra IT received the award “Reduce your Corporate Footprint”

Envorimental Award

In recent days we received the award “Reduce your Corporate Footprint” from the Government of the Republic of Panama

Through the Panama Republic Ministry of Environment, we received this recognition for reducing our carbon footprint in 2021. This award aims to outstand the companies that lead the voluntary commitment to the carbon-neutral goal by the year 2050. With this, we ratify Integra IT‘s commitment to continue working to optimize processes and resources in clinical trials. One of our main goals is to help the organizations involved in the clinical research field to be more environmentally friendly, reducing paper waste, knowing that clinical trial operations usually require a huge amount of documentation on paper. 

The usage of paper in clinical research is associated with compliance. For example, research sites must stage the signed informed consent for multiple years to comply with industry regulations. With tools like TrialPal APP, a technology-based tool, paper form usage is significantly reduced, and sites, CROs, and sponsors can guarantee compliance and reduce the corporate footprint in the same way.

Enviromental Award

The Program

Reduce Your Corporate Footprint (RTH Corporate) is the first state program of a voluntary nature to manage the carbon and water footprint at the organizational level in the Republic of Panama. This program establishes a standardized process to identify, calculate, report, and verify the carbon and water footprint within the operational limits of public, private, and civil society organizations legally constituted in the national territory.

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